$48.00 USD


Enneagram Lighthouse Types: Your Types Path To Personal Growth and Freedom

Watch the free intro video now to begin your journey to use the Lighthouse Types to transform your life. 

Break Free and Grow with The Enneagram Lighthouse Types

Discover your path to freedom and personal growth with this breakthrough Enneagram course.

Specifically tailored for your Enneagram type, this exclusive method provides the tools to finally liberate yourself from stagnation and automatic patterns holding you back.

Through step-by-step instructions using the Enneagram symbol as an illuminating map, you'll gain new perspectives to make empowered choices, free from your Type's core fears.

This comprehensive course includes an audio lecture, engaging video slideshow lecture, lessons, and downloadable PDFs for your specific Type.

The Enneagram Lighthouse Types gives you the answer to "What's next?" after discovering your Type.

Now you can use the Enneagram as your guiding light to profound self-knowledge and transformation.

Break free from what limits you and embark on your journey to growth today!

Yours In Growth,
David Fauvre

This is the single most powerful method of transformation that I have found to overcome the traps and challenges of our Type.  I promise if you take the course, and practice's its method you will see profound changes in your life, relationships and happiness. That's what it did for me and my clients and students. 


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What People Are Saying:

David's brilliant Lighthouse method helped me understand my own thinking patterns as a type 9 so I could expand beyond them and make more insightful choices and break free from unproductive habits of my type. His insight to use the two type on your lines is genius! Highly recommended!