$98.00 USD

Enneagram & Psychotherapy 1 hour online session with David W. Fauvre, MA

Enneagram & Psychotherapy 1 hour online sessions 

Once you have paid for your session please email me at
[email protected] to schedule your session. 

As a thought leader in the Enneagram community, relationship and personality type expert, and psychologist, my goal is to provide you with the tools and guidance to transform difficulties in your life into opportunities for growth, healing and happiness.

By combining the Enneagram with psychotherapy and my extensive training and experience, clients often find that I can help them quickly resolve their most pressing concerns and guide them to rapidly and effectively overcome the challenges they are facing in their lives.

You are welcome to book a session now.

Not ready and want more information or to talk to David?

Then click here to schedule a Free Enneagram & Psychotherapy session with David to see if working together is right for you. 

David’s Training
David has extensive training, including a Master's degree with Honors in Transpersonal Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies.

He is certified as an Enneagram Teacher by Riso & Hudson and Palmer & Daniels.

He is also certified in relationship issues and conflict resolution with behaviorist Dr. Steven Stosny, author of "How To Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It." David is certified in "The Work" by Byron Katie and attended the Barbara Brennan School of Healing.

Common Client Issues:  
Anger, anxiety, self-confidence, career direction, confirmation of one's Enneagram type and instinct, relationship and couple’s issues and personal and spiritual growth.  

Once you have paid for your session please email me at:
[email protected]


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